Sunday, September 11, 2022

What's Going On

It's been a rough week for a variety of reasons:

  • We've been on inclement weather for two straight weeks because we are just getting out of a heat wave. Needless to say the students are starting to go stir crazy and teachers are feeling worn out.
  • The boys keep destroying the bathrooms. Almost every day someone is throwing wet toilet paper on the wall, flooding the bathroom, locking the stalls, clogging the toilets with toilet paper on purpose, knocking the soap dispensers off the name it. I can't figure out who is doing it and I am frustrated! 
  • We busted two boys smoking pot in the bathroom on Friday. I am really sad because both of them are on the supposed young men's leadership council due to all their troublemaking. It's really sad to me. I had to bring the school police out and one of them doesn't even seem scared. It's scary when nothing seems to work with students 
  • Our public announcement system broke due to construction at the site and no one seems to really care enough to fix it.
  • My SDC teacher resigned and I held her for a month to find a suitable replacement but the replacement I hired a month ago hasn't started and now I have to have a sub. Students' one on one aides seem to be rotating in and out and calling in sick etc. 
  • My sixth grade classes are really really struggling with EVERYTHING! Even our strongest teacher is struggling. They are fighting, being disruptive, refusing to do anything, videotaping one another, vandalizing the name it! 

On Leaving

 I just want to remember this moment and remember how I should be and what I should or shouldn't do in the future. 

In May I was promoted to principal and my phone immediately blew up with texts from other managers and my team members who were watching the school board meeting online. I think there were about 30 texts or so. My former boss, who is my boss's boss, texted and called. It continued on through today where I got random emails and texts from people, congratulating me or offering future support. Almost all the directors at the district contacted me....except my own boss.

At one point in the day I almost texted him to inform him about my promotion. But then I realized that I know that he knows and I decided to be stubborn and let me tell him something. Nope, nothing, nada, zilch. He didn't contact or text me about anything all day. 

I feel hurt, angered, and disrespected. I feel like I am a mule who is carrying his load and he can't even bother to give me an "atta girl". It does not feel good to have a boss that you work your rear end off for and he can't even give the decency to acknowledge that I just got a promotion. Maybe now I can get it through my head that I am not jumping ship but I am leaving a situation that is toxic for me.

I once had an employee under me who was very toxic and he eventually left. On his way out I didn't even acknowledge that he was leaving. I'm sure that he wasn't surprised because we had a very strained relationship. I can't help but wonder if I am getting some kind of karmic payback for how I acted. 

I don't ever want to act like that again. I don't want to ignore people or not acknowledge them. I want to recognize them, see them, celebrate them when they are leaving. 

For almost six weeks, my old boss kept asking me to do things for him. He never even acknowledged that I got a promotion and for weeks acted as if I didn't leave, piling more and more work on me. I'm glad I finally left.

D is for Disappointment

Before I became a school principal, I was a coach and worked as a manager at the district office level for quite a bit of time. I was partly...